Hybrid ovens are the result of combining different types of heating system into the same oven. Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems have been supplying Hybrids for many years and recommend them for most product types.

The advantage of a Hybrid is the ability to have the benefits of different heat transfer systems where they are best suited in the baking process. It is often important to have a Direct Gas Fired (Radiant) heat transfer at the beginning of the process to provide the necessary heat or process conditions for cookie and cracker products. Once the product has developed and has the required structure it is then often a great benefit to introduce Forced Convection which is ideal for colour control, evenness of moisture and improved moisture removal. While using lower baking temperatures and fuel.

The Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems Convection Oven also has the ability to fit Radiation Dampers which give the oven even greater flexibiliity.