Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems are able to offer standard or bespoke Dough Feed Systems to suit specific or varied product dough’s, factory disposition and whether fully or semi-automatic operation.
Our team of specialists are involved throughout the process, from design brief to final execution. After thoroughly researching your needs and requirements, we can offer you a standard or tailor-made solution that will permit flexible, effective and most important of all, profitable production.
- Fully or semi-automatic production lines for a wide variety of products
- Suitable for many different types of soft, hard, cracker, speciality, Baked Potato doughs and the like.
- The dough is visible throughout the ‘forming’ processes, enabling the operator to control and produce the optimum product
- Capacity to suit your immediate and future needs
- Add unit machines to existing SVBS or competitor lines
Typical Dough Feed Systems
- 2 Roll Dough Feeding, with integral Low Level Tipper, Flared Hopper for storage of the batch of dough prepared by the Mixer, 2 Roll Dough Feed Unit, Inclined Dough Feed Conveyor (with or without Metal Detector & Reject system) removal Kibbler or Rotary Cutter attachments to suit respective ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ dough’s
- A very versatile system that gives very even and consistent feed rate of dough across the system to the respective hopper of the Sheeting Unit(s), and usually controlled by the dough level sensor
- Live Bottom Dough Feeding, with Dough Feed Hopper & integral Conveyor (supported on rollers) below for storage of the batch of dough prepared by the Mixer, Guillotine, and Inclined Dough Feed Conveyor (with or without Metal Detector & Reject system)
- A very versatile system that gives very consistent feed rate of dough to the respective hopper of the Sheeting Unit(s), and usually controlled by the dough level sensor
- Inclined 70 degree Feed Conveyors
- Chunker Dough Feed Systems
- Variety of Dough Feed Conveyors to suit ie; Reciprocating, Oscillating Conveyors & By-Pass Conveyor arrangements to suit.
- Variety of Tub (Bowl) Tipping Units. Ie; low level, Raised from floor, Vertical, Vertical & Inclined, and auto-floor guided systems linked direct to the dough Mixer.
- Extended Dough Feed Systems to suit Fermented Dough’s. ie; Dough Logger, extended Live Bottom Dough Feed Conveyors to store Fermented Doughs for very long periods


- Dough feeder capacity to suit mixer batch size up to 1500kg
- Bowl Lift / Tilt, Via motorised lifting forks
- Working Width, up to 1600mm
- P.U. coated Tru-Track belt
- Drive – AC Inverter Drive
- Easy change Chunker or Kibbler
- Stainless Steel Guards
- Complete with Operator safety interlocked enclosure
- Dough PieceKibbler
- Extended lengths to provide continuous fermentation
- Can be mounted directly under the Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems Sprag Mixer eliminating the requirement for dough tubs
- Hinged cover to hopper
- Dough Feed conveyor