Service, Spares, Refurbishments and Upgrades

We offer a fast response to all service calls from our various manufacturing locations and are also supported by the Middleby Worldwide Service Division Global networks. That is with the aid of original records to assist the tracking of replacement parts. Furthermore, because we have the original records, we can efficiently refurbish and upgrade your existing plant, both mechanically and electrically.

• Preventative Maintenance Agreements
• Burner Services
• Electrical / Mechanical Health & Safety Surveys
• Breakdown Call Outs
• Plant / Equipment Refurbishments
• Mechanical / Electrical Upgrades
• Re-location
• Training Packages
• Plant Commissioning
• Plant / Process Optimisation
• Genuine Spare Parts for any SVBS equipment or lines still in operation – no cut off dates.

Spooner Vicars Ltd: Vicars Group: SASIB UK: T & T Vicars: Simon Vicars: Spooner Bakery:

Biscuit & Snack
Mixers: Dough Feeding Systems
Forming: Rotary Moulders, Wire Cuts, Laminators, Sheeters, Gauge Rolls, Rotary & Reciprocating Cutters, Attachments
Baking: Direct Gas Fired (DGF), Direct Forced Convection (DFC), Hybrid Ovens, Tin Bread & Bun Lines, Cereal Ovens
Proofers: Tunnel Ovens, Loaders & Un-Loaders, Coolers, Ancillary Handling Systems
Post Baking: Cooling Conveying Systems, Stackers, Ancillary
Snack Lines: ie. Potato
Specialty Lines Cereal

Flat Cream Sandwich Lines: Wafer Ovens, Forming, Cooling, Cutting, Carmel Sheeters

Equipment Maintenance:

Regular pre-planned maintenance dates, discussed and arranged around production schedules and equipment requirements.
Full site inspections, assessing the current performance and checking of all components for efficiency, safety and life expectancy.

Plant Relocation:
Total package for decommissioning, relocating, refurbishing, installation, commissioning, and plant optimisation.

Modernise Your Existing Machine:
Many of the advanced features developed recently and now in use on the latest bakery equipment supplied by SVBS can also be adapted for use on existing plants.Oven extensions to increase production capacity and improve product quality and appearance.

Machinery Refurbishment or Up-Grade:
Full or partial refurbishments are carried out either in the existing site or during transport to a new location. The work is carried out by skilled supervisors and the back-up of the original design specifications. Genuine SVBS parts will replace used or worn with the opportunity to upgrade to the latest technologies.

Existing machines or lines can be reconfigured to produce new products thereby extending the life span of already installed equipment.

SVBS refurbishments and upgrades are not limited to our own equipment we can also bring our technology and expertise to machines from alternative manufacturers.